Unit 8 – Telling Time – O’clock free quiz

Unit 8 - Telling Time - O'clock free quiz Additional Unit Activities 1st –This cartoon animated video features a short dialogue, followed by vocabulary and sentence breakdown. It is essential for introducing the words, phrases, [...]

Unit 1 – Actions – Dolphin Show free video

Unit 1 - Actions - Dolphin Show free video Dialogue Video Video not supported. Sentence Video Video not supported. Additional Unit Activities 2nd – Then the student plays this fun game after watching the video, [...]

Unit 4 : Futurologist ESL Kids Lesson

Unit 4: Futurologist Objectives: Teach English learners how to talk about the future using the future tense. Teach ESL/EFL learners the use of ‘will’ and ‘might’ when talking about future possibilities. Teach English learners that [...]

Unit 7 – Going for Gold Olympic Sports English Lesson

Unit 7: Going for Gold Objectives: To get learners thinking about Olympic sports and the different ways of talking about them. To teach ESL/EFL young learners vocabulary about the Olympics and how to express preference. [...]

Unit 6 : Favorite Mobile App English Lesson

Unit 6: Favorite Mobile App Objectives: Teach English learners how to talk about their favorite mobile apps on a tablet or smart phone. ESL/EFL learners will learn basic adjectives to describe the feeling of using [...]

Unit 5 : Seasons Activities ESL Kids Lesson

Unit 5: Seasons & Activities Objectives: To teach ESL/EFL young learners the names of the four seasons and related vocabulary and expressions on seasons in this ESL kids lesson. To build vocabulary by associating different [...]

Unit 4 : Things in the House English Lesson

Unit 4: Things in the House Objectives: Teach ESL/EFL young learners how to talk about things in a house. Build vocabulary by associating rooms in a house to related household items. Review the use of [...]

Unit 3 – Public Notices ESL Kids Lesson

Unit 3: Public Notices Objectives: Teach ESL/EFL learners how to read public notices using the imperative mood and imperative sentences. The imperative mood is a verb form which is used when giving instructions, advice, commands [...]

Unit 2 – Amusement Park English Lesson

Unit 2: Amusement Park Objectives: Teach English learners how to talk about their favorite rides in an amusement or theme park. This English lesson also seeks to tacitly introduce EFL/ESL young learners to the concept [...]

Unit 1 – School Subjects Kids English Lesson

Unit 1: School Subjects Objectives: Teach ESL/EFL young learners the names of school subjects and expressions used when talking about preference for different subjects. Build vocabulary by associating related words with related school subjects. This [...]