
Unit 2: First Day


  • This English lesson will help kids review basic greetings and also teach kids how to introduce friends. It will also teach learners how to express a need.
  • Learn to use expressions to greet, help a lost person and introduce a friend to another.

Main Lesson Materials & Study Steps

first day video lesson

1st –This cartoon animated video features a short dialogue, followed by vocabulary and sentence breakdown. It is essential for introducing the words, phrases, grammar, spelling and sentences of the lesson in context. Watch repeatedly to master the content. The video plays on any device.

first day game

2nd – Then the student plays this fun game after watching the video, to practice the contents of the lesson. The game reviews key vocabulary, grammar and sentences from the lessons. This game can be played on any device.

first day test

3rd – Finally the learner takes this test of the unit. The score of this test is captured in the LMS and gives educators an idea of how well their learner is doing. The test opens on any device – mobile & PC.

Worksheets for the Unit

The worksheets below are useful for offline and classroom activities. These printable exercises directly correlate with the above lesson 'First Day of School'. Every worksheet comes with an answer sheet on the second page for educators.

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Lesson Story:

It is Bob's first day at school. He is lost in the corridor, trying to find his class. Freddie shows up and offers help. In the end, Bob is introduced to other classmates.


 classmate, looking, class, morning, same, friend, today, help, new

Key Sentences

  • Good morning, Bob.
  • How are you today?
  • I'm fine, thanks.
  • Do you need any help?
  • I'm looking for Class 3A.
  • This is my friend, Bob.
  • Bob is our new classmate.

This lesson is part of the Level 1 English course.

Download Level 1 Course Manual

Welcome to Unit 2 of our English learning course for kids! In this unit, we will be focusing on the theme of "First Day" and learning some useful expressions to help navigate a new environment.

The objectives of this unit are to review basic greetings, introduce the concept of introducing friends, and teach learners how to express a need. Through fun and interactive lessons, young learners will develop their language skills and build confidence in using English in everyday situations.

In this unit, we will learn expressions such as "Excuse me, can you help me?" and "Let me introduce you to my friend." These phrases are not only practical but also culturally important in English-speaking countries. By learning these expressions, young learners will be able to communicate more effectively and make new friends.

Moreover, this unit will help kids review the basic greetings they learned in the previous unit, reinforcing their language skills and building their confidence in using English.

Join us on this exciting journey of learning English and expanding your communication skills! Let's get started with Unit 2: First Day.